Author: Zooco

READ presents the seventh itinerancy of From Spain With Design where Zooco participates. The exhibition will be held at the Central de Diseño de Matadero Madrid.

Arquitectura y Diseño magazine has made a report on the project "Duplex in the Salesas" in its January 2024 issue. Credits: Photography by Belén Imaz, styling by Beatriz Torelló, and texts by Beatriz Fabián.

The project La Maruca de López de Hoyos wins the Architecture Masterprize 2023 award in the category "Best interior commercial design"

Publication of La Maruca de López de Hoyos in Arquitectura & Diseño as one of the 6 restaurants with the best interior design in Spain.

Consentino City Madrid and FEARLESS have invited Zooco to the "Architecture and Gastronomy" cycle to talk about the project La Maruca de López de Hoyos together with the restaurant's partner Carlos Crespo.

Zooco's project: La Maruca de López de Hoyos has been nominated as one of the three finalists for the "Best Restaurant Interior Design Project Award" of Interihotel 2023.